Saturday, May 25, 2024

mr 1m65 doesnt know it yet but he loves bitcoin


LMAO this video is super funny


mr loo is such a entrenched hypocrite


this is what happens when you think you are so smart


all his arguments for gold are arguments for bitcoin

"very good run road asset"

"take 1 kilo gold bar can put 4 in your pocket, very good asset for transportation"


tell me you dont know about capital controls without telling me you dont know about capital controls

people in the crypto community often say

once you try storing, transporting and selling your precious metals, you will convert to crypto 

there was a time when 1 btc was 1 oz of gold
now 1 btc is 29 oz of gold

there was a time when 1 eth was 1/10 oz of gold
now 1 eth is 1.6 oz of gold

and its only going to go up from here 

the trend for crypto adoption is one of the easiest game theory outcomes that anyone can simulate

and it is happening is slowly and over so many years 

but so many people miss it because they do not think for themselves

they outsource their thinking to other people and just reguritate their market opinions

"warren buffet says it is a scam, so it is a scam"

all i can say is, having fun staying poor?


mr 1m65 will never talk positively about crypto because he missed out millions by shitting on it as a scam for years and years


and now he posts videos talking about retiring in malaysia




there is nothing wrong with retiring somewhere else and enjoying geographical arbitrage for a lower cost of living

but that is what poor people need to do


rich people do not migrate to cheaper countries to get a better deal

the same way rich people do not buy imitation fake luxury goods because it is cheaper

the same way rich people do not take budget or economy because wa can save so much money

all rich families choose migrate to singapore with their millions and their family and live a high quality of life, very aware about the high price tag

you want value? then ya, malaysia is good "value"

if your goal is to have a lot of money in the bank when you die, malaysia boleh

you have money and you want to spend it to live well and happily? dont kid yourself brother loo, why you think all the rich millionaires and billionaires come to singapore instead of malaysia? the roti cenai is better here?

if you're so smart, you must be very rich

and if you're so rich, you would choose to live in malaysia over singapore? LOL said no rich person ever

as crypto becomes more mainstream, hardliners that are religiously against crypto like mr loo and many of the ultra conservative boomers and financiers will either bend the knee or live in denial until their death