Wednesday, November 6, 2024

ikigai? more like, its a lie

one popular influenza like to say ikigai ikigai ikigai

not going to say who, but you probably know who

that chart is not what ikigai means
that is what white people writing self help books think that ikigai means
my understanding of ikigai means contentment, with regards to their own life's purpose
ikigai is not a singular thing, as one can have many ikigai 

maybe for that influenza, his ikigai is doing what he loves, he is good at, that the world needs and what he can be paid for

if doing that makes him feel fulfilled about life, then that is his ikigai

but your ikigai does not need to fall within the holy insection of the above 4 circles

ikigai definitely does not need to be something you are paid to do

ikigai is also not something that the world needs

but yes, ikigai typically does involve something that you love 

and interestingly enough, ikigai does not even require you to be good at it

i point this out because it is actually fantasy lifestyle advice porn that most people can find this "ikisai"

if you are one of the rare lucky few, then thumbs up man

for everyone else, it is actually toxic to think that way
i dont care for the authenticity of the word and its true japanese original meaning, but the propaganda that people need to find 1 activity that overlaps all 4 circles is actually mentally harmful to most

my free advice:

get a job and that is what you will be paid for

and then find your own ikigai outside of that job

one of my ikigai is talking nonsense on a blog that 20 people read

i dont get paid for it
it is not what the world needs
but i love it

and i dont care if i am good at it or not