Saturday, January 4, 2025

best investments (non-crypto)

investing advice is just strategy recommendations

there are a lot of very shit strategies developed by noobs and stupid people that dont understand the game

and there are some very cheese strategies that exploits certain imbalances of the game


investing is a game

to win this game is easy

you need to have a lot of money by x date

along the way, there are surprises

some a good surprise, bonus to your money

some are bad surprise, big hit to your money

your strategy need to have strong defense to survive the bad surprises

but also offensive for you to reach a lot of money by x date

"bad" advice tends to be things things that are too low or high risk

too low risk means you run the simulation even before the game starts, and you know its not good enough

too high risk means you run the simulation, and you know the odds of making it to the end is too low

i think investment advice cannot be listened to in isolation

you need to know the whole strategy

what is the person doing to manage recurring and daily expenses

what is the person doing to guard against downsides

what is the person doing to take risks for the upsides

if you just mix and match advice, maybe it is not a complete strategy

a lot of people think crypto is a scam

game updated and crypto is just a new weapon 

dont think so hard

just win


you want to dig the hole with a fork

when someone else has the new item called a "shovel"

that is your choice to continue doing what you want to do

at the end of the day

there is no award for being the "best investor (no crypto)"

our capitalist society accepts $$$ all the same, regardless if halal or haram